Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week To Clean...

Do you remember that we have been working on this plan to have your house clean in a week?

Well it has been nagging at me to finish it. So, we are going to finish today, and Friday I promise to have for you a cute printable for you to use.

Let's back track for a moment and figure out where we are.

Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday:  Bedrooms
Wednesday: Bathrooms
Thursday: Living/Family Rooms
Friday: Dining Room
Saturday: Tidy Day

We haven't talked about cleaning living rooms or family rooms. But first, lets define these rooms. We always had a living room and a family room growing up and I never understood why we needed two sitting rooms...

According to Wikipedia a Living Room is a room in a house that is set aside for relaxing and socializing. It is can be to a front room, when located near the front of the house. The term Living Room was coined around the 18th century.

And a Family Room is a room in a house that is where the family gathers for entertainment or recreation. It usually adjacent to the kitchen and has doors leading outside or to a garden. When a house has both a living room and a family room, the living room is the more formal sitting area.

There is also a Great Room, which is the combination of the two, living and family rooms, into one large unified room. In my home we have a great room, I just learned this...

Here is the Thursday List:

Thursday: Large Sitting Rooms Day!
Things to be done EVERY THURSDAY:
Pick up and take care of out of place items
Vacuum or wipe off couches
Fold and put away blankets

Fold and put away blankets
Replace pillows
Take dishes back to kitchen
Put remotes in their home

Monthly (or as needed):
Clean out under the couches
Check Bookshelves and reshelve* anything
Wipe down walls

Pretty simple, but for some reason I hate cleaning this room. Maybe it is because we only have the giant Dinning/Living/Family/Entry Room...

Friday's cleaning list is the Dinning Room, and I chose this room for Friday because it is the start of the weekend, and who wants to be cleaning the the weekend. Also for Saturday, it is a just a tidy day. That is because weekends should be spent with family and friends, not cleaning your house.

Friday: Dinning Room Day!
Things to be done EVERY FRIDAY:
Change table cloth
Vacuum or mop
Wipe down chairs

Wipe off table
Sweep (or vacuum, if needed)

Monthly (or as needed):
Polish table

There is our Week to Clean cleaning list. Friday, I will have a cute printable for you, I hope. I have a huge quilting project I am working on. And cutting 1.5 inch strips is more time consuming than one would think!

*Reshelve-Is that right? I looked it up and got confused. Anyone?


  1. I really need to get into that habit, but it is hard for me after a long day at work, all I want to do is sit down. I know once I make a schedule and stick to it it'll work, I just need to get doing that!

  2. Yes! Get a schedule! It will take a couple weeks to get everything running smoothly, but after that it could take less than an hour to tidy your house!!
