Saturday, February 8, 2014

Peanut Butter and Blenders

I know we talked about nut butters last week, but I have a few quick things to add. 

1. Wonderful Man thought I needed to add that if you want make the same amount of nut butter you currently purchase, you will need to buy AT LEAST that weight in peanuts.

For example, we buy the large Adam's, which it's 36 oz. So I need about 36 oz of peanuts to make the same amount of peanut butter.

2. I got a new, and totally awesome blender for my birthday, and I can use it to make peanut butter in about 5 minutes! So if you have a professional grade blender you can use it instead of a food processor.

Here are some photos of this week's batch of peanut butter.

My new blender, the Oster Versa

36 ounces of peanuts

Blender doing its thing

Notice the volume difference between here, the finished butter and the previous picture

Can you tell which is store bought?
I did do the whole 36 ounces of peanuts in two patches, in my food processor, it would have been four. Sometimes homemade takes more time, but if you have to decided do you have time or money?


  1. I finally tried this just now and how amazing! It comes together in a snap! You don't refrigerate right? Also, mine kind of came together in a thick ball instead of being thin, which is OK with me, but do you think there should be some kind of thinner? I kept thinking of adding some oil but I'd rather not insert that added fat.

    1. If you keep processing it will get thinner. You don't have to refrigerate if you don't want to but we do. Hope that helps!
