Monday, November 11, 2013


I am hoping to start blogging more, and have added blog time into my schedule.

I said in my last post that there have been a few things that have saved my sanity in these fast moving 9 months.

#1: Google Calendar

BEST THING EVER!! Seriously, if it isn't in my calendar (which is synced to my phone) then it more than likely does not get done.

Laundry is even in the calendar... Maybe I have lost my mind...

#2: Having a hobby

I used to knit all the time. It is very therapeutic. It took me months to pick it back up again, and I actually had to sign up for a class to get me started again. Right now, I am taking sock knitting class, and so excited to make myself a pair of socks. I also have two current projects going, the socks and a pair of wool pants for Mr Z.

#3: Wonderful Man

I could not do this alone, and single parents, hats off to you! I have no idea how you do it.

#4: You

I have been trying for about 6 months to get back to you, and am hoping I am back. I really am going to try and get at least 3 posts a week (not 3 a day, today is definitely not going to be the norm).

Menu for Nov 11- to 16 and Thai Wonderpot Review

Here is this weeks menu, along with tonights dinner review.

Monday, Nov 11
thai wonderpot
Tuesday, Nov 12
Sante fe chili
Wednesday, Nov 13
Moroccan Vegetable soup
Thursday, Nov 14
black bean enchiladas
Friday, Nov 15
Quiche- bacon and broccoli
Saturday, Nov 16
Black bean burgers
and sweet potato fries
Sunday, Nov 17
Roasted Chicken and Potatoes
Nothing too fancy this week. But we do have a menu, unlike last week. We took turns being very sick last week, Wonderful Man even took two days off work and school he was so sick.

Being a new mom, I found it was incredibly hard to figure out this new life of keeping an infant happy, and the normal housekeeping routine down. Honestly, I still haven't figured it out completely, and I figure I never actually will.

There have been a few things that have helped me find my routine again.

#1 Google calendar!

Seriously it is wonderful. I plug in my schedule, when I want to work out or make dinner, and bam! Reminders to do it!

Life and mind saver!!

But, I digress. Tonight for dinner we had one of the One Pot Wonder dishes that have been floating around Pintrest lately. 

We tried the Italian one about couple of weeks ago, it was alright. 

I LOVE Thai food, Wonderful Man, well this is his one flaw.

I love that I can just throw everything in, Stir it a few times. Another plus, they are quick and easy.

It was really good, although I might have put a little too much lime. Wonderful Man, said it was alright, and as long as I don't put cilantro in it I can make it again.

Finding the time

Mr. Z is almost 9 months old, and such a busy busy little boy.

I keeps me busy too.

But I really want to start blogging again. So I am going to try and see if I can get some things going.

First I want to change things a little, we are a family on a budget, we try to eat healthy, we try to use economical and environmentally friendly cleaners, and we try to be frugal.

Along with being frugal and environmentally conscious, Wonderful Man and I are both like to look at things scientifically.

On thing I would like to do, is give you our weekly menu and review on recipes. We usually try at least one new recipe a week. For this I will have a pintrest board with recipes, and then one with our reviews. But don't worry you non-pintresters, I will also have a place on the blog for you to find them too!