Thursday, July 11, 2013

Clean Green and Frugally

I started this blog as a place for people to get real green clean tips from a normal person. I hate those bloggers with the "perfect" lives and "perfect" homes. I will be the first to say that house is not clean, but I am enjoy the precious time I have with my little one know that he is growing up way too fast!

I also want to share the cleaners I personally have tested. I have never liked the store bought cleansers. So after I moved out and starting buying them myself I decided there had to be a better way. After a few years, of looking a trying things I have found a few things you can't live with out.

Number 1: Laundry detergent
Number 2: Dishwasher detergent (if you have one)
Number 3: A spray cleanser
Number 4: A scrub (either powdered like comet/ajax or a paste like soft scrub)

I wanted green alternatives. I searched and tested. Finally I have found my four cleaners I can not live with out! To make it even better, these are recipes that I know with free up some money in your budget. They will also take about 30 minutes to make all and they are safe to use every day!

The laundry detergent is great, and since I started making it THREE years ago, I have yet to buy regular laundry soap. I have even given some away to skeptical friends.

Dishwasher detergent, works and we liked it, but we had too many problems with it. Maybe in a few months, or a year, I will try it again. We are really liking the Seventh Generation, even with our hard water we don't need a rinse aid anymore.

A good spray cleaner is something every home needs. I can't decide between the regular or the orange infused...

A good kitchen scrub, or all purpose scrub, is something everyone needs. I am loving the fresh summer sent of my orange peel scrub.

There you have it, my top four must have green cleaners. I hope you enjoy them! Do any of you use them? Do you like them? If so, what is your favorite thing about them?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Homemaking Tuesday: Oranges Part II

This post has been in the wings for awhile! So here you go the second part of cleaning with oranges! I showed you how to infuse vinegar with orange peels back in October. Today, I will tell you about a scrub that I saw on Crunchy Betty.

I have said before, but I LOVE this lady's blog! 

I while ago when I was looking for what to do with all these orange peels I was tossing I saw Crunchy Betty's Grapefruit Scrub recipe. I thought that would be a great way to replace my store bought secret weapon, so that I an not using it as often.

Crunchy Betty uses borax in the scrub, and so while I was waiting to get some dried orange peels I did some research on borax. For myself, I have decided it is safe enough to use.

I also REALLY need to clean my stove top. I haven't cleaned it since Baby was born, and well... A picture is worth a thousand words right? (P.S. Don't judge me!)

Since my stove really needs a good scrub, I decided to make and try out this scrub. I think this is obvious but, I made my scrub following the recipe from Crunchy Betty, but used ORANGE peels not grapefruit.

Borax, Orange peels, and Baking Soda

I really should wipe off my stove more often... This is just after wiping with a wet rag!

Now for an interruption by my super cute baby!

Ah! Clean stove! (and the start of dinner...)

This scrub smells AMAZING! It works great, and I never doubted it wouldn't!

And another shot of my baby! Who will be 5 months on Saturday!!

Aye Carumba!!

I know I said I was back, but life with an infant is unpredictable! 

I hope to finish up some of those posts promised eons ago!

I also, of course, have some things in the work.

I do want to keep with blog up, so please stick with me!