At work the other day I saw a paper bag with apples in it. Normally, a paper bag with apples is nothing to take note of, but this bag had the ABC's of Washington Apples. For today's focus on apples, I thought I would share it.
A. Is for Apple, great health food.
B. Is for breakfast don’t miss it.
C. Is for Calcium, apples are a rich source!
D. Is for Delicious, try a Red or Golden
E. Is for Eating fresh apples, always a great Idea!
F. Is for Fiber, apples are a delicious source.
G. Is for Gala, a tangy-sweet flavor.
H. Is for Healthy benefits from apples.
I. Is for Ideal, apples are.
J. Is for Jonagold, a crisp sweet snack.
K. Is for Kids, just love apples!
L. Is for Love them apples.
M. Is for Magical heart healthy food.
N. Is for Nutrition, good nutrition helps keep you smart, strong, and healthy.
O. Is for Original health food.
P. Is for Pink Lady, a unique tangy-tart flavor.
Q. Is for Quick, apples make a quick snack.
R. Is for Real Foods, eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day.
S. Is for Sweet, apples are tangy taste treats.
T. Is for Tangy, delicious flavors.
U. Is for Unbeatable, energy foods.
V. Is for Varietals, how many apples flavors have you tried?
W. Is for Washington, the best apple flavor on earth!
X. Is for X-tra Crunchy, good apple snack.
Y. Is for Youth, start healthy eating habits, when you are young.
Z. Is for Zippy, Try all the zippy apple flavors.