Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Three and Four:Just Keep Moving Forward

This is hard! I don't want to clean my house, who really wants to spend their day doing that anyway? I keep telling my self that life was way harder when I was taking 18 credits, working part-time, and trying have a social life (I was dating B at a time like that in my college career). The ONLY thing I have to do is go to work! If i wanted I could let the house go into a deep never ending despair of filth. I could stop working out. It there really anything we have to do?

That is a questions I seem to ask my self often. I don't have a maid, or anyone who would pay for my groceries, or go get them and cook for me, so

I am not a perfect, and honestly right now my sink is not shinny and my kitchen is a mess. I also feel like my house will never be clean all the time, because people live here!

So what does this have to do with the 31 Baby Steps

Well, Day Three, is to join FlyLady's bigtent group and to read the messages. By the way these steps compound... You are start with one, then the next day you do one and two, day three: one, two, and three! So I need to be shining my sink, getting dresses, and reading the messages on the group... Now I am already apart of a few groups online. I have also told my self two hours in front of the computer a day. I don't need to be sitting there all day, reading and 'surfing the web'. So in short I don't read the messages, I look through and see if any catch my eye. Today one did, it was Friday Tip of the Day: Clean out your PURSE! Boy does mine need it!

Day Four, is to start a Control Journal! I have a few notebooks use for things. One for knitting projects, one for grocery shopping, and and list of what I need to do when I leave the house. I love lists!

Day Five, for Saturday is stop listening you your negative voices, and I will be talking you about those things that just drive me mad!

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