Monday, June 18, 2012

The Circle of Life

Life is always interesting. When looking at the big picture it is even more interesting.

It starts out even before birth, it is so fragile at this state. Take Birds for example. They must sit and keep those eggs warm through the cool of the early spring months. Leaving the nest to eat opens it up for predators to eat or steal the eggs. In humans, the risk of a miscarriage is so high in the first critical weeks many wait to announce to the world. There are even some who will never be able to experience the joy of pregnancy and those who will be lucky enough to never experience the sorrow of miscarriages or still births.

But we all experience the other end of the circle of life, Death.

Sometimes it is close, and other times it is far. Sometimes it is anticipated, and other times it is a great surprise and shock.

My first experience with death was in the 6th grade. My science teacher died of a brain aneurysm. The next was a family friend who died of cancer.

I was young and didn't quite understand.

I still don't.

A year or so ago a wonderful friend died from an inoperable Brain Tumor. She was much older, and many believed it was her time. I remember her smile. How she would always remember the little details. The last time I saw her, I remember the hug she gave me, the beautiful smile, and how she asked how I was doing. She always made time for me.

Then this last week, my crazy grandfather, who swore he was going to out live us all, died. The circumstances are still unknown, but he suffered a stroke a while back, and it is believed to be from complications. It has been much harder on my dad, than he lets be known, but I can tell. I will always remember the crazy ideas he had, and how he always ate salted bananas.

Also this week, a family I used to babysit for lost their oldest son.

Someone told me that you know you are old when you start hearing about more funerals than weddings.

I understand that as we enter into this life, we must also exit it. It hasn't been until just these last few months have I realized how fragile it all is. I want to keep all of my loved ones close so that I can watch over and protect. I don't want to lose anymore. I don't want any to lose loved ones anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Death is hard, and it has always been hard for me. But I'm finding as I get older, I can handle it better and understand it, even if it is sad.
