Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pintrest, the Bathroom, and Borax

So I have noticed that we have outrageously hard water... It is so hard it leaves this super nasty coppery ring in the tub and the toilet, more so since we have stopped using bleach cleaners. So I went a pinning.

I saw this pin a few weeks ago and have wanted to try it.

Magic Eraser uses... did you know you can cut a piece off and float it in your toilet overnight and voila! no more toilet ring! The website has a list of about 100 uses! Pin now, read later ;)

I have used the "magic eraser" before, and I think it ain't that magic... They usually disintegrate before I am finished with what ever I am doing. So just throwing one in the toilet... I have got to try this.

By they way, we tried it last night... still got that toilet ring...

I also found an overwhelming pins on how to really clean that toilet.

Most of which talk about using BORAX...

I am not afraid of Borax, cautious, yes! I use it in my laundry soap, and don't think too much about using it there. But for cleaning surfaces in my home... I don't know about that. I am currently reading up on it and going to see what I find. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. The super hard water in Pullman is why no one can cloth diaper successfully. I cloth diapered Noah and Hazel for a year before we moved there and tried time and time again to keep it going but they would get the WORST rash every single time. It was awful and not worth it. I'm planning on using cloth diapers again now that we're in Utah.
