Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Bathroom...

I hate the BATHROOM. It is the WORST room in any house! Especially if you hate to clean it, or even to spend more time in it than absolutely necessary.

Don't get me wrong, I am a clean person. I shower often, but I take, as Wonderful Man puts it, 'The world's fastest showers.' I just don't dilly dally in the shower. It saves water to be a quick bather. I also try to limit my time 'primping' in the bathroom. Like I said I HATE bathrooms.

Maybe it is because of how I grew up. I don't know if it was laziness on the part of my mother, or us kids. But I don't think I have ever seen a dust free, sparkly bathroom in my parents house.

Believe it or not, I am the clean and organized one in my family. I remember being the only one who would actually do their chores... Not sure where I got it, and hopefully it doesn't skip another generation!

But this post isn't about me and my cleaning fetish, it is about cleaning your bathroom(s). Now, when Wonderful Man and I were dating and getting serious about getting married, I told him I don't clean bathroom unless I ABSOLUTELY MUST. So he does the weekly cleaning, as long as I keep my stuff tidy. He is such a wonderful man!

But I do the deep clean. After almost 3 years, of marriage I have learned that if I want it clean I have to do it... Even if I hate it. And because I don't clean it every week I could come up with a list, but I could miss something very important. So, I am going to clean the bathroom tonight, just for my 7 followers!

Y'all should feel the love!

Then on Thursday as part of Thrifty Thursday, I will talk about the routine, a long with a TWO new homemade, chemical free cleaners!

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