Friday, October 26, 2012

Finished Friday: Elefant

Since my mother's passing I have been trying to come up with some simple and easy (not to mention easy on me) ways to tell our little one about its Grandmother. Other than hopefully getting a few knitted socks from her estate, there isn't anything that is specifically for our little one.

So, I have been thinking of things to make for our little one that it will treasure, and I can say, "Your Grandmother's favorite animal was the elephant. This is your special elephant to remember her by."

Meet Eleanor the Elephant!

Notes on the project:
I am not sure what the yarn is I used, but I like the way it turned out. This is one of the few patterns I have actually purchased (I am a poor college student still!) This is the second time I have made this guy and I LOVE the pattern. It is a little smaller than I was hoping for.

I have decided to split up my finished objects, so that there is one a week, instead of multiple items in one post.

Also, we know we are having a human baby, we just don't know boy or girl yet. We will find out in February!


  1. That is so cute! Are they for sale? Our Eleanor might need an Eleanor the elephant :)

  2. That's so sweet! Your littleone is going to love Ellie the Elephant.
