Friday, October 5, 2012

Finished Friday: The Stash

I have a HUGE stash of yarn. Honestly, TOO MUCH yarn. I have no clue what to do with it all. I also want to buy nice, wonderful, expensive yarn. But I do not have any more space to store more yarn.

So I have been knitting and crocheting to use it all up. Here are some of the more recent things I have finished.

 This is the horse/pony I made for one of the girls I nanny for her 4th Birthday. She LOVES IT.

I made these blocks for the baby. There were surprisingly easy and fast!

Lastly, this is the hat and socks I made for a friend for her adorable new little girl.


  1. You are so talented! They look great!

  2. They look great! I have a huge stash of stuff like that in my 'crap' closet and I need to do things with it and get rid of it!
