Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: Thrifty Meals

A couple of weeks ago we talked about budgeting meals to help make them thrifty. I had a reader ask about "meal recycling". This term always gives me a chuckle, but it means exactly that. Taking one meal and turning into another.

Now, this is something that I am not perfect at, but I am working on. I only have two meals I recycle... So in the mean time while I am working on coming up with recyclable meals, I need some quick meals.

My Wednesday is fairly busy, and now that our birthing class is on Wednesday nights ( I now have a 9 to 9 day!) Good thing it is fall, and a cock pot meal can solve that problem.

Many of you have seen many pins on Pintrest of freezer crock pot meals. It has been something I want to try, but my freezer is small, and usually full! Except, we recently decided to clean out the freezer to make some room for some freezer meals for later.

Though, with Wednesday going to be even more crazy than normal, and I am going to want to eat BEFORE our 7-9 PM birthing class, I have got to have something simple, fast, and planned out a head.

So I sat down on Tuesday before grocery shopping, and when to Pintrest (some times I think pintrest is going to become the next Google. Also, they need a way for you to search your OWN pins...)

I found this pin I pinned about crock pot freezer meals, looked through it and picked out 6 meals to try. Made my grocery list, and am not to excited about how much this trip is going to cost...

So after shopping, getting burgers for dinner and rushing off to our class, I made the 6 meals last night and into the freezer they went. At first Wonderful Man thought I was crazy, but when I explained the point of these meals, he more that willing to agree to cook rice or pasta on Wednesday nights.

I also wanted to see how much time it took to put the meals together. I labeled the bags with the information that was needed, and then gathered up all the stuff. I started a timer, and went to work.

All the food for 6 dinners

Just under an HOUR later, I was short one chicken breast, and had one bag leak pineapple juice all over the place, and the dinners were done!

6 dinners prepped and ready for the freezer!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love the crock pot and freezer meals. It took me a lot longer to assemble mine, but if I had a fancy chopping gadget it would have saved. Also, I ran out of chicken breast as well as running out of room for such, but we usually have some in the freezer, so I just add them when I dump it all in the pot.
    Good luck!
