Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Focus Wednesday: Apples

With October comes the fall in full swing. Outside the trees are changing colors, harvest is almost done, and apples are at their peak!

There are a few things I look forward to with season changes, in spring it is Blood Oranges, in the summer it is the sun, in the winter it is snow, and in the fall I can not get enough APPLES!

Most of us eat apples year round, thanks to modern shipping and agriculture practices. I personally think apples taste better in the fall.

My love for apples wasn't something I always had. When I was little, in the south, the only apples we got were the Red Delicious variety.


They are so mealy and soft. I shutter thinking about eating them.

My absolute favorite apples, are Pink Lady's. 

Crunchy, slightly sour, and oh so delightful.

These also happen to be the most expensive type of apple, year round. I will settle for: Fuji or Honeycrisp.

However all apples were not created equally. So apple varieties are better for apples sauce, others for eating, and others for pie. Like the Granny Smith apple, sour to eat, but in a pie, YUM!

Most orchard's will help you find what apple you need for what you want to do with it. At our local orchard, Bishops' Orchard, we usually get McIntosh apples for apple sauce and Summerred, Liberty, Empire, and Spartan apples to eat. We also usually go multiple times each fall.

This year we are not canning any apple sauce, and so far only got a small harvest of Summerreds. I will be using some of them for a dessert tonight and for the levain I am restarting.

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